Sunday, December 30, 2007


Nowadays internet business has developed very rapidly. New business sites spring up every day. Those sites compete to introduce their products to consumers. In this case, advertising play a very important role. Many kinds of advertising are used by advertisers. Some advertisers apply Cost Per Click (CPC) advertising system in which ad publishers provide some space on their sites to put the sponsors' ads. Some apply 'read for pay' system. Meanwhile, some others apply product review system in which the products of the advertisers are reviewed by bloggers.

One of the sites which connects between advertisers and bloggers for product reviews is Blogsvertise. Blogsvertise comes from the words 'Blog' and 'Advertising'. It is a kind of blog-based advertising service. By being the member of Blogsvertise, it will be easier for advertisers to have their products reviewed. And for bloggers, they can receive income by writing an entry in their blogs about the product review required by advertisers.

The payment system applied by Blogsvertise is good. Bloggers will receive $4 - $20 per entry they have written, depending on the traffic of the sites, the quality of the sites, and other factors. Unfortunately, Blogsvertise pays only by using PayPal. So, it will be an obstacle for bloggers who want to join this program but do not have a PayPal account.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


"Photobie is image editing software that combines features amateurs can use with advanced tools professionals will appreciate. Photobie is free for personal use with no Pro upgrade to pay for -- all features are free." Demikianlah deskripsi yang saya baca ketika mengakses situs penyedia software Photobie.

Mungkin Anda semua sudah sangat familiar dengan program aplikasi pengolah gambar, yaitu Adobe Photoshop. Nah, software Photobie ini juga berfungsi sama. Bedanya Photobie adalah freeware dan ukuran file-nya sangat kecil, jadi tidak akan membebani user maupun komputernya. Berbagai fasilitas yang ada dalam Adobe Photoshop juga tersedia dalam Photobie. Tapi tentu saja... karena bersifat freeware dan file installer-nya yang sangat kecil, Photobie tidaklah selengkap Adobe Photoshop. Tapi yang jelas, Photobie tidaklah mengecewakan untuk membantu mengerjakan tugas sehari-hari, seperti mengedit foto/gambar, melukis, merancang template foto, bahkan bisa juga kita gunakan untuk menangkap gambar yang ada di layar.

Wanna try this software? You can download it here.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Random Access Memory (RAM)

Random access memory (usually known by its acronym, RAM) is a type of computer data storage. It takes the form of integrated circuits that allow the stored data to be accessed in any order, i.e. at random. The word random thus refers to the fact that any piece of data can be returned in a constant time, regardless of its physical location and whether or not it is related to the previous piece of data.

This contrasts with storage mechanisms such as tapes, magnetic discs and optical discs, which rely on the physical movement of the recording medium or a reading head. In these devices, the movement takes longer than the data transfer, and the retrieval time varies depending on the physical location of the next item.

The word RAM is mostly associated with volatile types of memory, where the information is lost when power is switched off. However, many other types of memory are RAM as well (i.e. Random Access Memory), including most types of ROM and a kind of flash memory called NOR-Flash.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Operating System

When a computer is turned on, it searches for instructions in its memory. Usually, the first set of these instructions is a special program called the operating system, which is the software that makes the computer work. It prompts the user (or other machines) for input and commands, reports the results of these commands and other operations, stores and manages data, and controls the sequence of the software and hardware actions. When the user requests that a program run, the operating system loads the program in the computer’s memory and runs the program. Popular operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows and the Macintosh system (Mac OS), have a graphical user interface (GUI)—that is, a display that uses tiny pictures, or icons, to represent various commands. To execute these commands, the user clicks the mouse on the icon or presses a combination of keys on the keyboard.

(Source: Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 2002)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Menghilangkan Balloon Tips

Anda mungkin sering merasa kesal atau sebel karena balloon tips yang sering muncul di system tray. Sebenarnya tujuannya sih baik, yaitu untuk mengingatkan pengguna komputer. Tapi karena frekuensi kemunculannya yang terlalu sering, balloon tips tersebut justru mengganggu aktivitas kita. Balloon tips biasanya muncul untuk memperingatkan bahwa antivirus perlu di-update, adanya koneksi internet, atau hal-hal lain yang dianggap Windows sangat penting.

Bagi Anda yang tidak suka dengan kehadiran balloon tips ini bisa menghilangkannya dengan cara sebagai berikut:
  • Klik Start - Run.
  • Ketik "regedit". (Tanda petik tidak diketik!)
  • Masuklah ke KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced.
  • Pada jendela sebelah kanan lakukan klik kanan mouse dan pilih New - DWORD Value.
  • Ketikkan nama value "EnableBalloonTips". (Tanda petik tidak diketik! Perhatikan juga cara pengetikan value tersebut. Jangan sampai salah!)
  • Tekan Enter.
  • Klik kanan value yang baru dibuat tersebut.
  • Klik Modify.
  • Pada Data Value ketikkan angka 0 untuk menghilangkan Balloon Tips.
  • Klik OK.
  • Tutup jendela Registry Editor dan Restart komputer Anda.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Changing a Drive Letter

To change an existing drive letter on a drive, on a partition, or on a volume, follow these steps:
  • Log on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group.
  • Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Performance and Maintenance.
  • Click Administrative Tools, double-click Computer Management, and then click Disk Management in the left pane.
  • Right-click the drive, the partition, the logical drive, or the volume that you want to assign a drive letter to, and then click Change Drive Letter and Paths.
  • Click Change.
  • Click Assign the following drive letter if it is not already selected, click the drive letter that you want to use, and then click OK.
  • Click Yes when you are prompted to confirm the drive letter change.
The drive letter of the drive, the partition, or the volume that you specified is changed, and the new drive letter appears in the appropriate drive, partition, or volume in the Disk Management tool.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Assigning a Drive Letter

To assign a drive letter to a drive, a partition, or a volume, follow these steps:
  • Log on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group.
  • Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Performance and Maintenance. Note If you do not see Performance and Maintenance, go to step 3. Performance and Maintenance appears in Control Panel only if you use Category view. If you use Classic view, Performance and Maintenance does not appear.
  • Click Administrative Tools, double-click Computer Management, and then click Disk Management in the left pane.
  • Right-click the drive, the partition, the logical drive, or the volume that you want to assign a drive letter to, and then click Change Drive Letter and Paths.
  • Click Add.
  • Click Assign the following drive letter if it is not already selected, and then either accept the default drive letter or click the drive letter that you want to use.
  • Click OK.
The drive letter is assigned to the drive, to the partition, or to the volume that you specified, and then that drive letter appears in the appropriate drive, partition, or volume in the Disk Management tool.


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sony Ericsson W960i

Kembali dalam waktu dekat ini Sony Ericsson akan meluncurkan produk terbarunya yang berada dalam jajaran tipe W, yaitu Sony Ericsson W960i. Bagi Anda yang sangat gemar mendengarkan musik, HP ini layak dipertimbangkan. Betapa tidak... dengan memori sebesar 8 GB, HP tipe ini dapat menampung ribuan lagu!

Teknologi layar sentuh yang digunakan oleh HP ini menambah citra rasa yang tinggi. Pengguna telpon seluler ini nampaknya benar-benar akan dimanjakan. Seperti halnya tipe-tipe sebelumnya, Sony Ericsson W960i tentunya akan menghasilkan suara yang jernih.

Selain untuk mendengarkan musik yang merupakan kelebihan HP Sony Ericsson tipe ini, W960i juga dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan lain, seperti mengambil foto, membuat video, atau pun untuk browsing internet secara cepat dengan jaringan ponsel generasi ketiga yang berkecepatan transfer data hingga 384 kbps.

Saya belum tahu pasti HP ini nantinya akan dibandrol dengan harga berapa. Kita tunggu saja peluncurannya dalam waktu dekat.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

When Error Message "Drive Not Ready" Appears

  • Check all cable connections. Make sure pin 1 of the drive is connected to pin 1 of the hard-disc controller or host adapter.
  • Make sure the power supply is adequate for system needs.
  • Reboot the computer and make sure the drive spins up.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Friendster Ala Yuwie

Yuwie adalah sebuah komunitas persahabatan internasional yang mirip dengan Friendster (FS) yang sudah sangat dikenal oleh para netter. Melalui Yuwie kita tidak hanya bisa menjalin persahabatan, tetapi juga bisa berekspresi karena Yuwie juga menyediakan fasilitas blog gratis. Tentunya hal-hal lain yang terdapat dalam Friendster juga terdapat pada situs Yuwie ini.

Lantas apa beda Yuwie dengan Friendster? Perbedaan yang sangat mencolok adalah jika Anda menjadi anggota Yuwie, Yuwie akan membayar Anda untuk setiap aktivitas yang berhubungan dengannya, misalnya membaca profil, melihat foto-foto, dan ber-blog ria. Pembayaran dolar bisa dilakukan melalui PayPal atau cek. Untuk informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai apa dan bagaimana Yuwie membayar Anda, silahkan baca FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) yang terdapat pada HELP.

Jika Anda ingin bergabung, silahkan klik link berikut:

http://www.yuwie. com/yuwie. asp?r=114695& vid=626887

Namun, jika link ini tidak bisa langsung diklik dalam browser Anda, silahkan copy & paste ke address bar browser.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Koneksi Internet dengan HP CDMA (Bagian 3)

Tahap III (Setting koneksi internet):

1. Klik Start – Control Panel.

2. Klik ganda Network Connection

3. Klik Create a new connection.

4. Pada jendela New Connection Wizard, klik Next.

5. Pilih Connect to the internet dan klik Next.

6. Pilih Set up my connection manually dan klik Next.

7. Karena kita akan menggunakan HP CDMA, maka kita pilih Connect using a dial-up modem dan klik Next.

8. Isilah nama koneksi pada ISP Name sesuai keinginan Anda, misalnya INTERNET CDMA.

9. Pada nomor telpon ISP, isikan #777. Nomor ini bisa digunakan untuk Flexi, StarOne, maupun Fren.

10. Klik Next.

11. Untuk User name dan password tergantung pada penyedia layanan yang Anda gunakan. Jika Anda menggunakan Flexi, ketikkan “telkomnet@flexi” pada user name dan “telkom” pada password. Jika Anda menggunakan StarOne, ketikkan “starone” pada user name dan “indosat” pada password. Dan jika Anda menggunakan Fren, ketikkan “m8” baik pada user name maupun pada password.

12. Klik Next.

13. Beri tanda centang pada Add a shortcut to this connection on my desktop agar kita memiliki icon shortcut pada desktop komputer untuk memudahkan koneksi di waktu-waktu yang akan datang.

14. Klik Finish.

Jika semua tahapan di atas dilakukan dengan benar, maka Anda sudah dapat melakukan koneksi dengan menggunakan HP CDMA Anda. Caranya klik ganda ikon koneksi internet yang sudah Anda buat dan klik Dial. Tunggu beberapa saat hingga muncul pesan pada system tray bahwa komputer Anda sudah terhubung ke internet.

Setelah terhubung ke internet Anda bisa browsing dengan menggunakan program bawaan Windows yaitu Internet Explorer. Atau, jika Anda ingin menggunakan browser lain seperti Mozilla Firefox atau Opera, Anda bisa menginstalnya terlebih dahulu ke dalam sistem komputer Anda.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Koneksi Internet dengan HP CDMA (Bagian 2)

Tahap II (Instalasi Driver Modem):

1. Klik Start – Control Panel – Phone & Modem Options.

2. Pilih tab Modems dan klik Add.

3. Beri tanda centang pada Don’t detect my modem; I will select it from a list dan klik Next.

4. Pilih Have disk kalau driver modem tersebut tidak/belum tercantum pada daftar.

5. Anda browse lokasi tempat penyimpanan file driver modem CDMA. (Jika Anda tidak memiliki driver ini, Anda dapat men-download-nya melalui internet sesuai dengan merek HP yang digunakan. Untuk driver modem CDMA Nokia bisa di-download dari: atau

6. Klik OK.

7. Untuk contoh di bawah ini, karena menggunakan HP CDMA Nokia, maka kita pilih Nokia CDMA2000 1X 3G Packet Data Modem, lalu klik Next.

8. Karena kabel data terpasang pada COM6 (Lihat uraian pada Koneksi Internet dengan HP CDMA Bagian 1!), maka pada saat instalasi modem kita juga memilih COM6, lalu klik Next.

9. Klik Continue Anyway.

10. Klik Finish. Jika kita masuk ke jendela Phone & Modem Options, kita akan melihat adanya modem baru yang sudah kita instal.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Koneksi Internet dengan HP CDMA (Bagian 1)

Dalam postingan yang lalu saya sudah membahas tentang koneksi internet dengan telpon rumah. Kali ini saya akan membahas koneksi internet dengan menggunakan HP CDMA. Untuk itu, Anda perlu memiliki HP CDMA yang telah dilengkapi dengan modem, seperti Nokia 2116 atau Nokia 6585.

Ada beberapa tahapan yang harus dilalui. Ikutilah tahapan-tahapan berikut ini:

Tahap I (Instalasi Kabel Data):

1. Installah driver kabel data/bluetooth/infrared, tergantung jenis media apa yang Anda gunakan untuk menghubungkan HP dengan komputer. Dalam contoh praktek ini kita akan menggunakan kabel data sebagai penghubung (Jenis kabel data tergantung pada merk dan tipe HP yang digunakan. Ada yang menggunakan kabel DKU-2, DKU-5, CA-42, CA-43, dan lain sebagainya. Untuk mengetahuinya, Anda bisa membaca buku manual yang disertakan pada saat membeli HP). Bagi Anda yang menggunakan bluetooth atau infrared, Anda tidak perlu khawatir karena prinsip kerja dan proses instalasinya sama saja.

2. Setelah driver terinstal, coba Anda cek pada Device Manager port COM yang digunakan oleh kabel data tersebut. (Untuk masuk ke Device Manager, klik kanan My Computer, pilih Properties, pilih Hardware, dan klik Device Manager.) Ingatlah Port COM yang digunakan tersebut karena hal ini akan berguna saat instalasi modem pada tahapan selanjutnya. Misalnya, pada contoh ini Port yang digunakan adalah COM6.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Koneksi Internet dengan Telpon Rumah

Bagi Anda yang memiliki telpon rumah dan ingin menggunakan internet di rumah sehingga tidak perlu repot-repot lagi pergi ke cafe internet, Anda dapat membuat koneksi internet dengan telpon rumah. Caranya? Lakukanlah langkah-langkah di bawah ini (diasumsikan bahwa modem beserta driver-nya sudah terinstal pada komputer Anda):

1. Klik Start – Control Panel.

2. Klik ganda Network Connection

3. Klik Create a new connection.

4. Pada jendela New Connection Wizard, klik Next.

5. Pilih Connect to the internet dan klik Next.

6. Pilih Set up my connection manually dan klik Next.

7. Karena kita akan menggunakan saluran telpon, maka kita pilih Connect using a dial-up modem dan klik Next.

8. Isilah nama koneksi pada ISP Name sesuai keinginan Anda, misalnya MY INTERNET, lalu klik Next.

9. Karena dalam contoh ini kita akan melakukan koneksi internet melalui telkomnet instan, maka pada kotak isian nomor telpon ISP isikan 080989999, lalu klik Next.

10. Pada User name isikan telkomnet@instan dan pada password isikan telkom, lalu klik Next.

11. Beri tanda centang pada Add a shortcut to this connection on my desktop agar kita memiliki icon shortcut pada desktop komputer untuk memudahkan koneksi di waktu-waktu mendatang.

12. Klik Finish.

13. Anda bisa langsung melakukan koneksi ke internet dengan menekan tombol Dial.

Jika Anda melakukan koneksi di lain waktu, kliklah icon koneksi internet pada desktop yang sudah Anda buat lalu klik Dial.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Monitor Does Not Display Anything And There Is A Long Repeated Beep Sound from The CPU

When you turn on your computer, the monitor does not display anything and there is a long repeated beep sound from the CPU.

If you come across this kind of problem, try to open the case of your CPU. Take a look at the memory module (RAM) installed on the slot of memory, which is usually called DIMM slot (To know the exact position of the DIMM slot, you can check it in your motherboard’s manual book or CD). This kind of problem usually happens when the memory module is loose. Pull it out and install again correctly and tightly. Close the case of your CPU and turn on your computer. The problem can be solved easily, can’t it? But, if what you have done above does not bear fruit, perhaps there is a problem in your memory module and you must replace it with the new one. The price of RAM is usually expensive, depending on the type and the capacity of the RAM.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sony Ericsson K850i

Akhir-akhir ini perkembangan teknologi telepon seluler berjalan semakin pesat. Masing-masing produsen berusaha memanjakan customer-nya dengan fasilitas-fasilitas menarik.

Dalam waktu dekat ini Sony Ericsson akan meluncurkan handphone baru, yaitu K850i. Handphone ini dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan, seperti telepon, SMS, foto, video, musik, dan internet. Untuk foto, handphone dengan daya 5 megapixel ini tentunya tidak akan mengecewakan karena sudah setara dengan kamera digital. Hasil fotonya bagus, tajam, dan memiliki resolusi tinggi. Anda bisa mengirimkan foto-foto hasil bidikan Anda ke blog. Moment-moment penting dapat Anda abadikan dalam bentuk foto atau video. HP ini juga memiliki penstabil gambar dan video yang tentu saja bisa menjamin kualitas hasil yang lebih baik.

Lampu kilat Xenon juga disertakan sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir jika Anda ingin mengambil gambar pada tempat-tempat yang agak redup.

HP seberat 118 gram ini memiliki memori internal sebesar 40 MB. Perluasan memori bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan kartu memori terkecil di pasaran, yaitu Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) dengan kapasitas hingga 1GB.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sony Vaio G11 Series

Sony Vaio G11 Series adalah sebuah notebook yang ringan namun kuat. Beratnya hanya 1,12 kg. Notebook ini dipersenjatai dengan prosesor Intel Ultra Low Voltage Core Solo U1500 1,33 GHz, chipset Intel 945GMS, RAM sebesar 1 GB, dan hard disk berkapasitas 100 GB. Ukuran layar yang digunakan adalah 12,1 inci.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Troubleshooting Komputer Cetakan Ketiga

Buku TROUBLESHOOTING KOMPUTER adalah buku ketiga dari tujuh buku saya yang sudah diterbitkan. Buku ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Puspa Swara Jakarta Jl. Gunung Sahari III/7 Telp. (021) 4204402, 4255354 Faks. (021) 4214821 Jakarta-10610 (

diterbitkan pertama kali pada 2006. Tanpa terasa, setelah satu tahun terbit, kini (2007) buku ini sudah memasuki cetakan ketiga. Syukur alhamdulillah karena buku ini ternyata sangat digemari oleh masyarakat. Ini terbukti dari volume penjualan yang tidak mengecewakan.

Sebenarnya, untuk cetakan ketiga ini saya sudah mengajukan usulan revisi kepada penerbit berupa penambahan 25 bab baru agar cakupan isi buku menjadi lebih luas lagi. Tapi sayang sekali... usulan ini tidak disetujui penerbit karena alasan harga buku yang akan meningkat kalau dilakukan penambahan bab baru. Untuk cetakan pertama hingga cetakan ketiga, buku ini dijual dengan harga Rp20.900,00. Bagi yang berminat, buku ini bisa diperoleh di Toko Buku Gramedia atau toko-toko lain di kota Anda. (Foto cover buku bisa Anda lihat pada sidebar blog ini.)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

When The Time in Your Computer System Rolls Back to The Past

Budi is very annoyed because every time he turns on his computer, the date, month, year, and time of his computer system are incorrect. He has tried to adjust them correctly, but then they rolled back to the past again and again.

This problem is usually caused by CMOS battery in the motherboard of your computer. (To know the exact position of the CMOS battery, you can check it in your motherboard’s manual book or CD) If you have used the computer for several years, the battery will be low. To fix this problem, try to replace the battery. This battery is cheap and can be bought in computer stores. The way to replace the CMOS battery is easy. It is almost the same as replacing batteries of your calculator. After you replace the battery, adjust the time, date, month and year again.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Info Software: Resize 2.7

Resize 2.7 adalah software yang dapat digunakan untuk memperkecil ukuran foto atau image. Program ini berukuran kecil, hanya sebesar 337 KB (terkompresi) dan untuk menggunakannya tidak perlu diinstal pada sistem komputer karena dapat langsung dijalankan melalui removable disk (CD, flaskdisk, dll). Cara kerja software ini sungguh luar biasa. Foto-foto berukuran besar (ribuan kilobyte) yang diambil dengan kamera digital bisa diperkecil hingga berukuran puluhan kilobyte saja. Jika Anda perhatikan foto-foto yang terdapat di blog ini dan di blog saya yang lain (Catatan Henson di, semuanya sudah diperkecil dengan menggunakan software ini. Walaupun sudah diperkecil, gambarnya tidak pecah, bukan? Software ini bisa di-download di . Selamat mencoba!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

When The Game Does Not Run Smoothly

Have you ever had a problem with your computer in which the game you play does not run smoothly? This problem usually happens when the hardware in your computer does not support. For example, you are going to play a 3-D game and you come across this kind of problem. The problem can be caused by several factors: first, the processor in your computer is not fast enough. This problem can be solved by upgrading your processor with the new one having faster and better performance. Second, the memory, or usually called RAM (Random Access Memory), of your computer is not adequate. Try to increase the capacity of your RAM. If your computer currently uses 256 Mega Bytes or 512 Mega Bytes of RAM, try to upgrade it with 1024 MB of RAM. Third, the VGA card can also become the cause of the problem. VGA card functions to display output on the screen of the monitor. The 3-D games usually require a good and fast VGA card. So, you can upgrade your VGA card to get a better performance.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Peluang Bisnis Bersama TickerBar

Mau ikutan? Klik banner di atas untuk mendaftar.

Mau tahu lebih jauh? Baca penjelasan di bawah ini!

What is the TickerBar™?
The TickerBar™ offers its members the ability to get paid just for using the internet. The TickerBar will not only show you current events, stock prices and weather, it will also display advertising. We pay our users for delivering messages as a reward for using the TickerBar™.

What do I have to do to "get paid to use the Web"?
Just sign up as a member! You will immediately be assigned a user id and will have the ability to download the TickerBar all within 60 seconds or less. The TickerBar you download will automatically be personalized to you. You then can re-distribute your personalized TickerBar to your friends and anyone who installs it will automatically be in your downline!

Is the TickerBar available worldwide?
Yes! Individuals of all nationalities are encouraged to apply for membership. All payments are in US dollars.

Do I have to buy anything?
No. Your membership is absolutely free.

How will I know how much I've earned?
Login to the member area and click "account". You will then be presented with your stats.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Gahooyoogle: New Search Engine

Ingin mencoba mesin pencari (search engine) baru? Coba kunjungi: Mesin pencari ini merupakan perpaduan atau kolaborasi antara dua raksasa search engine, yaitu Google dan Yahoo.

Tampilan Gahooyoogle bisa Anda lihat pada gambar di bawah ini:

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Memperbaiki Masalah Harddisk dengan Command Prompt

Command Prompt memiliki begitu banyak kegunaan. Tidaklah mengherankan bahwa banyak pengguna komputer yang masih menggunakan Command Prompt untuk berbagai tujuan, seperti troubleshooting dan hacking.

Dalam tip & trick kali ini, kita akan mencoba memanfaatkan salah satu perintah yang disediakan oleh Command Prompt. Perintah ini sudah sangat populer dan bertujuan untuk memperbaiki masalah pada harddisk.

Untuk melakukannya, ikutilah langkah-langkah di bawah ini:
  1. Buka Command Prompt melalui Start - All Programs - Accessories.
  2. Ketikkan "chkdsk /f /r". (tanda petik tidak diketik dan sebelum garis miring ada spasi)
  3. Tekan tombol Enter.
Penambahan parameter /f bertujuan untuk memperbaiki error, sedangkan penambahan parameter /r untuk mencari bad sector.

Perintah yang diberikan tidak langsung dijalankan oleh Sistem Operasi Windows XP, tetapi Sistem Operasi ini akan memberikan pertanyaan apakah kita akan menjadwalkan untuk menjalankan perintah tersebut setelah komputer di-restart. Jawab saja dengan menekan huruf "y" pada keyboard. Maka setelah komputer restart, proses scanning akan dijalankan dan kalau
ditemukan masalah, seperti error pada file atau bad sector pada harddisk, laporannya akan ditam
pilkan pada layar.

Friday, May 18, 2007

When Your Computer Is Not Stable

Sometimes the computer that we use restarts or turns off by itself. If this problem happens to your computer, there are some possibilities: first, your computer is too hot. To overcome this problem, install an additional fan inside the case of the CPU. This fan can function to make the CPU cooler. Second, the quality of the power supply in your computer is not good. Try to use a power supply with the output power of at least 350 Watts. The higher the power is, the better it will be. Third, the system files of your computer are corrupt. Try to reinstall your operating system to make your computer fresh again. Fourth, the problem can also be caused by a virus. Try to update your antivirus and scan your computer regularly. But remember! Installing an antivirus program does not always guarantee that your computer is free from viruses. Some viruses cannot be detected.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Power Supply Unit

A quality power supply is essential to a PC, especially for those who overclock or have numerous components and multiple hard drives installed. A power supply is the small, metal box usually located at the back of the PC that converts the AC current from your home to the DC current needed by the PC. The power supply is plugged into an eletrical outlet and then steps down the 110 volts (or 220) into the appropriate voltage and supplies it to the components in a PC. ATX-based power supplies are the standard now used in the PC industry.

Potential differences in an electrical charge creates a force called voltage. Voltage is measured in units called volts.

An ATX power supply provides five voltages:

* +12v
* -12v
* +5v
* -5v
* +3.3v

The total amount of power needed to operate a component is wattage. Wattage is measured in watts with the formula Wattage = Volts * Amps. For example, 110 volts multiplied by 10 amps is 1,100 watts. Most new video cards and PC components recommend a power supply rated 350 watts and above.

The amount of electricity flowing through an electrical system is called current. Electrical current is measured in amperes or amps. An ammeter is used to measure electrical currents in amps.

Electrical resistance is measures in Ohms. Resistance is a property that opposes the flow of electricity. The flow of electrons decreases as resistance increases and vice versa. Resistors are used to resist the flow of electricity.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Kembali ke Laaap Toooop...!!!

ASUS baru-baru ini mengeluarkan sebuah notebook (ASUS W5Fm) yang dipersenjatai dengan prosesor Intel Core 2 Duo T7400 dengan kecepatan clock 2.16 GHz dan RAM DDR2 dengan kapasitas sebesar 1.5 GB.
Notebook ini tergolong sangat canggih dan diperuntukkan bagi kalangan high-end. Harganya dibandrol kurang lebih US$2,000. Fasilitas-fasilitas komunikasi modern sudah terintegrasi dalam notebook ini, seperti modem, bluetooth, LAN, W-LAN, dan kamera 1.3 Mega Pixel. Sangat nyaman bagi Anda yang hobi browsing internet dan chatting.

Hiding Icons on the Desktop

Some computer users like to see icons on the desktop of their computer, meanwhile some others don't. If you are a user who doesn't like to see the icons on the desktop of your computer, you can hide those icons.

To hide the icons, you can do the following things:

  1. Click Start - Run.

  2. Type "regedit".

  3. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.

  4. Right-click on the right side of Registry Editor window and choose DWORD value.

  5. Type a new value name "NoDesktop".

  6. Right-click this new value name and click Modify.

  7. Type "1" on the value data to hide the icons.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Restart your computer.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Computer Virus

Computer technology has developed rapidly. New hardware and software have competed with one another. The vendors try hard to please the users and to fulfill their needs. Meanwhile, new viruses also emerge. They are ready to attack computers.

What are viruses? According to Microsoft (, computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation. A virus might corrupt or delete data on your computer, use your e-mail program to spread itself to other computers, or even erase everything on your hard disk.

Viruses are most easily spread by attachments in e-mail messages or instant messaging messages. That is why it is essential that you never open e-mail attachments unless you know who it's from and you are expecting it. Viruses can be disguised as attachments of funny images, greeting cards, or audio and video files. Viruses also spread through downloads on the Internet. They can be hidden in illicit software or other files or programs you might download.

Considering the bad effects caused by a virus, we must always be careful and always take a preventive action. Install an antivirus program in your computer and update it regularly.But you must also keep in your mind that installing an antivirus program does not guarantee 100% that your computer is free from viruses.

Cellular Phone Choices

Determining what kind of phone service you want is not so easy anymore. There are lots of choices to make: local phone service, long distance phone service, cellular phone service, calling cards, and voice over IP (VoIP) are just some of the choices we have to make.

Does it make more sense to just have a cellular phone, or is VoIP best for you? Or, should you stick with the traditional land line phone service? Well, the answer depends.

Here are some interesting facts about cellular phone service. Did you know that a cellular phone is basically a radio? To be precise, it is actually a radio transmitter and receiver. A cellular phone is essentially a two-way radio transceiver that patches into the telephone system via a cellular network of base stations. The antenna of a cellular phone is the phone's primary source of radio frequency, and the quality of the signal depends on your phone, the distance to the source (usually a tower), and other factors which may affect radio transmissions.

What kind of service is best for you? First, understand that, for the most part, you will need to enter into a contract with the service provider. In other words, a cellular phone is typically provided with a service contract so caution is advised that you think about what kind of use your cell phone will get and to sign up for the appropriate service plan. Trying to decide which mobile phone service is right for you can be very difficult. But there is another option: if you do not want a lengthy agreement, opt for prepaid mobile phone program. The prepaid cellular phone is an alternative to a monthly cellular phone plan. Basically, you pre-pay for your service (like a calling card). When you near the end of the amount of minutes you've paid for, you either just discontinue using it or buy more time (minutes). While the cellular phone is mostly made up of plastics, it is run by several powerful computer chips. Each cellular phone is assigned a unique ESN, which is automatically transmitted to the cellular tower station every time a cellular call is placed. All that means is that the cellular phone is even unleashing us from telephone wires. This is hi-tech in motion.
