Saturday, June 16, 2007

When The Time in Your Computer System Rolls Back to The Past

Budi is very annoyed because every time he turns on his computer, the date, month, year, and time of his computer system are incorrect. He has tried to adjust them correctly, but then they rolled back to the past again and again.

This problem is usually caused by CMOS battery in the motherboard of your computer. (To know the exact position of the CMOS battery, you can check it in your motherboard’s manual book or CD) If you have used the computer for several years, the battery will be low. To fix this problem, try to replace the battery. This battery is cheap and can be bought in computer stores. The way to replace the CMOS battery is easy. It is almost the same as replacing batteries of your calculator. After you replace the battery, adjust the time, date, month and year again.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Info Software: Resize 2.7

Resize 2.7 adalah software yang dapat digunakan untuk memperkecil ukuran foto atau image. Program ini berukuran kecil, hanya sebesar 337 KB (terkompresi) dan untuk menggunakannya tidak perlu diinstal pada sistem komputer karena dapat langsung dijalankan melalui removable disk (CD, flaskdisk, dll). Cara kerja software ini sungguh luar biasa. Foto-foto berukuran besar (ribuan kilobyte) yang diambil dengan kamera digital bisa diperkecil hingga berukuran puluhan kilobyte saja. Jika Anda perhatikan foto-foto yang terdapat di blog ini dan di blog saya yang lain (Catatan Henson di, semuanya sudah diperkecil dengan menggunakan software ini. Walaupun sudah diperkecil, gambarnya tidak pecah, bukan? Software ini bisa di-download di . Selamat mencoba!