Friday, February 29, 2008

Bahaya Kanker dari Printer

Printer, terutama printer laser, memiliki dampak yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Printer memancarkan partikel berbahaya dalam jumlah yang tidak sedikit. Bahaya kesehatan yang dapat ditimbulkannya mulai dari iritasi pada sistem pernapasan hingga masalah kardiovaskular dan kanker.

Ancaman kesehatan ini dipublikasikan oleh Profesor Lidia Morawska (International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health, Queensland University of Technology) dalam hasil studinya baru-baru ini yang melibatkan 62 jenis printer. Menurutnya, emisi partikel kecil yang berasal dari toner printer dapat masuk hingga ke paru-paru. Ini dapat menimbulkan efek negatif yang sama dengan asap rokok. Risiko yang ditimbulkan akan meningkat jika Anda berada dekat dengan printer atau pada ruangan yang sirkulasi udaranya tidak memadai. Faktor lain yang juga ikut andil dalam menentukan besar kecilnya emisi adalah usia toner atau cartridge yang digunakan (semakin baru, semakin tinggi emisinya) dan jenis cetakan (semakin banyak toner yang dibutuhkan, semakin tinggi emisinya).

Dari 62 printer yang telah diuji, 17 printer di antaranya masuk dalam kategori membahayakan kesehatan. Sayangnya, demi alasan tertentu, merek printer yang masuk kategori tersebut tidak disebutkan satu per satu.

Sumber: Majalah CHIP 08/2007

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mortgage Loan Specialists

Mortgage is needed by many people. It can be used as a method of conditional conveyance of property as security for the repayment of a loan. As one of the brokerages providing services on mortgage, Mortgage Loan Specialists (MLS) is dedicated to give the best service to its customers. For customers who are looking for information on San Francisco mortgage or Bay Area mortgage rates, MLS is the best choice.

As a matter of fact, there are three reasons why MLS is said to be a good brokerage: first, it offers lower rates; second, it gives better service; and third, it has high expertise. If you want to get San Francisco home loan, for example, just come to MLS and the experts will help you.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Mengetahui Alamat IP Sendiri

Ketika berselancar di dunia internet, kita diberikan sebuah alamat yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah IP Address. Untuk mengetahui alamat IP yang sedang kita gunakan, lakukanlah langkah-langkah berikut:
  • Masuklah ke Command Prompt melalui All Programs - Accessories atau bisa juga dengan mengetikkan "cmd" pada menu Run.
  • Ketikkan "ipconfig". (Tanda petik tidak diketik!)
  • Tekan Enter.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Addiction Treatment

Addiction to alcohol, drugs, or cocaine is very bad because it can harm our health. The addict usually loses much spirit and his/her body will become weaker and weaker. Therefore, addiction treatment is needed as soon as possible to avoid unexpected results.

Nowadays many young people like to drink hard liquor. The alcohol contained in the drink is very dangerous physically and psychologically. So, alcohol treatment plays an important role in coping with this problem. For the drug addicts, drug rehab programs must also be taken, considering the fact that drug addiction has influenced several aspects of life.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Stainless Steel Store

A great number of products are made from stainless steel. This material can usually make the products look glossy and strong. If you want to know more about various products from stainless steel, you can visit the site of TheStainlessSteelStore. This site offers many interesting and good quality products.

If you are interested in Blomus stainless steel mailboxes for your home, you have come to the right site because you can browse many kinds of stainless steel mailbox that suit your need. And for those who care much about the interior parts of their homes, they can have Blomus stainless steel fireplace accessories. Of course, the accessories are very beautiful and can really make your home look different.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


If we trace back to the history of wine in the past time, wine played an important role in some rituals. Now wine still plays an important role but in different ways. For some groups of people or community, wine is regarded as prestigious drink. They collect many kinds of wine in their house.

Wine is produced by using fermentation of grape juice. The best wine is made from varieties of good grapes. The advancement of technology has a big impact on the production process of wine. Whether you like red wine, white wine, or others, you can visit tastevine site to know more about wine.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Sudah lama tidak berburu software. Kali ini saya menyempatkan diri untuk mencari software menarik di jagat maya. Akhirnya terdampar juga di situsnya Di sini saya menemukan sebuah software yang unik dan menarik, yaitu Cartoonist. Kenapa unik? Karena dengan menggunakan software ini Anda bisa mengubah wajah seseorang menjadi lucu, aneh, bahkan menyeramkan. Saya pernah mencoba software ini untuk mengubah wajah seseorang. Bayangkan saja... Hanya dalam hitungan beberapa detik saja wajah tersebut berubah menjadi seperti monster! Tentu saja saya tidak akan menampilkan gambar tersebut di sini. Sebagai gantinya, saya berikan contoh gambar bebek saja ya. Itu pun cuma sedikit sekali yang saya ubah. Lihat saja bagian kepalanya. Anda bisa berkreasi dengan imajinasi Anda sendiri. Yang jelas, jangan gunakan software ini untuk merusak foto teman-teman Anda, ok?

Cara menggunakan software ini sangat mudah. Anda hanya perlu meletakkan penunjuk mouse pada bagian gambar yang akan diubah. Lalu lakukan drag mouse ke bagian yang diinginkan. Sangat mudah, bukan? Jika Anda ingin mencoba, silahkan download di sini.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Quick Shop

Do you often shop online? How do you find the products you need? Have you ever tried QuickShop? As one of the online shopping search engines, QuickShop finds more products and stores that suit your needs. The searching process is fast, so you need less time for searching.

If you want to make a comparison, you have come to the right site. So many good offers can be found here. You can also try to find the products with low prices. The products that you can find are computers, electronic appliances, clothes, and many others. If you want to search products based on their brands, colour, or prices, there is no problem at all. Everything is easy here!

Friday, February 15, 2008


Online shopping has become more and more popular. Website owners compete with one another to provide the best service to the customers. Each of them applies their own strategy in marketing.

One of the leading online shopping websites is This website offers some kinds of promotional deals. If you visit this website, you can see various products with coupon codes. By using the coupons you can get cash discounts when you purchase products. The products offered by stores can also be checked here. If your favorite store is, just click the name of the store and you can see some kinds of products offered.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

AmeriTek Mortgage

Real estate business seems to be more and more popular now. People can have many choices when they are going to buy houses or villas. Many sites also spring up. They try to provide a satisfactory services to their customers. One of the good sites in this field of service is AmeriTek which provides residential loan program and also specializes in California reverse mortgages.

Having good mortgages is very important for many people. Therefore, Ca reverse mortgages are offered by this site which also tries to guarantee customer satisfaction. Besides California reverse mortgages, AmeriTek expands its service in Colorado, Washington and Oregon.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Candies are liked not only by children but also by teenagers and some adults. Nowadays good quality candies are produced automatically by using high technology machine. Many kinds or shapes of candies can be made. Even you can have your own personalized candy bars for birthday, wedding party, graduation party, etc.

Candybar wrappers are also designed as interestingly as possible to attract consumers and to suit different kinds of occasion. Many children seems to like personalized kids candy bars because they can have candy bars in accordance with their taste and favors. For example, when they are celebrating their birthday, they can have candy bars with birthday themes. In short, producing candies is not only for eating but also for art.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Linux Ubuntu

"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word that means "humanity to others". This Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.

Ubuntu is an operating system consisting of free and open source software. With Ubuntu you can surf the web, read email, create documents, spreadsheets and more! Ubuntu gives you power and flexibility for business, education and home use.

Ubuntu is easy to install, free of viruses, and perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Ubuntu is community developed, commercially supported, and offers free updates for at least 18 months after release.

Want to know more about Ubuntu? Visit