Friday, December 26, 2008

Memory Stick

Memory stick card diperkenalkan pertama kali pada 1998 oleh Sony Corporation untuk dipergunakan pada perangkat Sony, khususnya kamera digital. Namun, terbatas untuk kapasitas 128 MB. Baru pada tahun 2003 diperkenalkan Memory Stick Pro, kapasitas dan kemampuannya berkembang. Diproduksi selain Sony oleh SanDisk dan Lexar. Dimensi 50x21,5x2,8 mm dengan berat 4 gram. Kapasitas 16 MB hingga 4 GB.

Sumber: PC Media 12/2006

Monday, December 15, 2008

Compact Flash

Compact Flash diperkenalkan pada tahun 1994 sebagai penerus PCMCIA/PC card. Kebanyakan digunakan pada kamera digital. Type I (CF-I) memiliki dimensi 43x36x3,3 mm. Type II memiliki dimensi 43x36x5,5 mm. Kapasitas mulai dari 64 MB hingga 12 GB.

Sumber: PC Media 12/2006

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Menjalankan CD Bootable

CD bootable adalah CD yang bisa langsung dijalankan pada saat kita menyalakan komputer. CD semacam ini biasanya berisi sistem operasi atau program tertentu lainnya, misalnya sistem operasi Windows pada saat akan diinstal, sistem operasi Linux LiveCD, atau program GeeXbox untuk menjalankan multimedia.

Untuk menjalankan CD bootable ini, lakukanlah langkah-langkah berikut:
  • Masukkan CD ke dalam CD/DVD drive.
  • Masuklah ke BIOS.
  • Ubahlah prioritas booting menjadi CD/DVD. Artinya, pada saat komputer dinyalakan, komputer tersebut akan membaca drive CD/DVD terlebih dahulu. (Untuk beberapa komputer, perubahan prioritas booting tidak perlu dilakukan melakukan BIOS, tetapi cukup melalui boot menu yang telah disediakan oleh sistem.)
  • Keluarlah dari BIOS. (Atau, tekan ENTER jika Anda menggunakan boot menu.)
  • Tunggu hingga komputer memproses perintah untuk menjalankan CD.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Menyembunyikan Control Panel

Control Panel merupakan salah satu elemen dari sistem operasi Windows yang sangat penting karena di sinilah kita bisa melakukan perubahan-perubahan atau konfigurasi-konfigurasi.

Untuk menyembunyikan Control Panel dari menu Start, lakukanlah langkah-langkah di bawah ini:
  • Klik Start - Run.
  • Ketikkan "regedit". (Tanda petik jangan diketik!)
  • Masuklah ke HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
  • Klik menu Edit.
  • Pilih New - DWORD Value.
  • Ketikkan "NoControlPanel".
  • Klik ganda entri yang baru dibuat ini dan isikan nilai "1" pada bagian Value data.
  • Klik OK untuk menyimpan perubahan.
  • Restart komputer.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Zenni Optical Website

Holiday is coming! Zenni Optical seems to know this occasion well. Holiday glass frames from Zenni Optical are offered with good prices and good quality. Zenni Optical website is the popular online eyeglasses shop. That’s why, people who like surfing in the internet usually know this website and what this website offers to the customers. Now there is also a good offer where Zenni Optical offers $8 complete Rx eyeglasses. Want to try these eyeglasses?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Zenni Optical is a website which offers so many kinds of beautiful eyeglasses. Zenni Optical was on FOX news! It makes more people know the products of Zenni Optical. Zenni on Fox definitely has a good impact on Zenni Optical. The prices offered by Zenni are usually cheaper. You can get great eyeglasses for less. For certain people, they will really care about the dimension of the frames. Don’t worry! There are variable dimension frames from Zenni.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Intel Segera Luncurkan Teknologi Pengganti Bluetooth

Hampir tujuh tahun berlalu semenjak perangkat bluetooth pertama diluncurkan ke pasaran. Intel segera mengubah kondisi ini dengan meluncurkan Ozmo Devices yang bakal menggantikan standart wireless jangkauan pendek ini.

Ide untuk penerus standart ini memang potensial. WiFi Personal Area Network (WiFi-PAN) sebenarnya berbasis pada WLAN klasik dan dapat menggunakan hardware WLAN yang sudah tersedia pada laptop dan PC. Untuk itu, yang dibutuhkan hanya sebuah driver baru.

Dibandingkan dengan bluetooth, WiFi-PAN dapat memberikan transfer rate 9 Mbit/s, hampir lima kali leih cepat daripada Bluetooth 2.0. Selain itu, teknologi ini mendukung sampai delapan koneksi sekaligus.

Lantaran WiFi-PAN tidak memerlukan resource yang besar untuk kinerja wireless ini, pengguna tetap dapat melakukan browsing dengan WLAN selama menggunakan feature tersebut. Bahkan konsumsi dayanya pun lebih kecil sehingga waktu bicara dengan wireless headset bisa mencapai 20 jam, meningkat tiga kali lipatnya. Namun, pihak lain harus menyediakan hardware yang baru. Produsen harus melengkapi ponsel, keyboard, dan headset dengan chip WiFi-PAN. Tampaknya, teknologi ini akan diluncurkan dalam waktu dekat. Intel sendiri akan mengintegrasikan software yang diperlukan ke dalam notebook-notebook berbasis Centrino. Sebaliknya, Bluetooth tidak lagi menjadi bagian dari platform intel.

Sumber: CHIP 08/2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Business Loan

Business owners need capital to develop their business. But sometimes they have a serious problem. They lack cash to run their businesses. In this case they need to get business loans. is an online company which provides a business loan. There are several benefits that we can get by working with this company. First, the process is easy. Second, the funding is fast. And third, the service is excellent.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Menonaktifkan System Restore

System restore sangat berguna sekali bagi sistem komputer karena, ketika sistem mengalami masalah baik itu karena masalah virus, registry, maupun masalah lainnya, masalah tersebut seringkali bisa diselesaikan melalui system restore.
Namun adakalanya, untuk kepentingan tertentu, misalnya ketika kita hendak men-scan virus menggunakan PCMAV atau ketika kita ingin sedikit meluangkan ruang harddisk, system restore ini harus dinonaktifkan. Untuk menonaktifkan system restore, lakukanlah langkah-langkah di bawah ini:
  • Klik kanan My Computer.
  • Klik Properties.
  • Klik tab System Restore.
  • Berikan tanda centang pada Turn off System Restore on all drives.
  • Klik OK.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mengenal Google Chrome

Ketika berkunjung ke blog-blog sahabat, banyak yang cerita tentang pengalamannya mengenai Google Chrome, sebuah web browser baru yang dikeluarkan oleh Google. Karena tidak mau ketinggalan, saya coba juga download web browser ini dan menginstalnya pada notebook saya. Walaupun masih dalam tahap beta, Google Chrome web browser dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik. Saya coba membuka blog saya Let’s Learn English dan blog ini dapat terbuka dengan cepat.

Satu perbedaan yang sangat mencolok antara Google Chrome dan web browser lain seperti Mozilla Firefox dan Internet Explorer adalah penempatan tab yang berada di bagian atas jendela browser. Mudah-mudahan saja web browser yang masih dikembangkan oleh Google ini akan bisa menjadi alternatif yang signifikan bagi para internet users.

Monday, September 1, 2008

New Hosting Directory and Rating

The existence of web hosting companies is very important in internet world. If there are no web hosting providers, how can websites exist? A website must be supported and hosted by a website hosting provider. That’s why, web hosting plays a very significant role. Web hosting is rated based on several things as follows: Unix hosting, Windows hosting, Reseller hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, collocation hosting, and managed hosting. In its website, displays top 10 web hosting providers. The best three web hosting providers that I can mention here go to InMotion Hosting Inc., Web Hosting Pad, and This web hosting rating system is based on several aspects. What are those aspects? They are customer satisfaction, affordability, reliability, uptime and technical support. From this rating it is expected that people can get complete information, especially on web hosting providers in the world. also provides a number of good articles, such as how to choose a domain, how to secure multiple domains, how to define managed hosting, how to understand Ruby on Rails, and how to make payment options for our e-commerce site. All the articles are very useful. We can read and learn much from those web hosting tutorials.

Web hosting awards are given to web hosting providers based on several categories as follows: Best Budget Hosting, Best Blog Hosting, Best Forum Hosting, Best Windows Hosting, Best PHP Hosting, Best Email Hosting, Best Ecommerce Hosting, Best Multi-Domain Hosting, Best VPS Hosting, Best Reseller Hosting, and Best Dedicated Hosting. Although is a new hosting directory and rating, it can serve so much information and it is very helpful to a great number of internet users. So, if you need some information on the best web hosting providers and want to know their rating, just feel free to visit this good and innovative website.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tips Agar Baterai Notebook Awet

Notebook kini telah menjadi pilihan utama untuk membantu berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari banyak orang. Namun tak semua pemilik ataupun pengguna notebook tahu bagaimana memperlakukan notebook dan baterainya dengan baik dan benar.

Komisi Keamanan Produk Konsumen Amerika mencatat setidaknya tak kurang dari 47 kasus notebook yang berasap atau terbakar, sejak Januari 2001 hingga Agustus 2006 (detikINET).

Berikut ini beberapa tips agar baterai Anda awet dan mobilitas tetap lancar:

  • Jangan gunakan baterai atau charger notebook yang tidak kompatibel. Jika tidak yakin dengan kompatibilitas baterai pengganti ataupun charger yang digunakan, hubungi bagian layanan dari produsen notebook terkait.
  • Baterai notebook dapat menjadi panas dalam pemakaian normal sekalipun. Jangan gunakan notebook sambil diletakkan di pangkuan Anda.
  • Ketika menggunakan notebook, hindari meletakkan notebook pada permukaan yang lunak atau lembut, semisal pada sofa, tempat tidur atau karpet. Sebab permukaan seperti itu akan menghambat aliran udara di bagian bawah notebook dan dapat menimbulkan overheating.
  • Cegah terjadinya kontak pada dudukan baterai yang longgar dengan berbagai jenis objek terbuat dari metal, seperti penjepit kertas, koin tipis, dan sebagainya.
  • Baterai notebook, termasuk notebook itu sendiri tentunya, jangan sampai terjadi tekanan yang berlebihan yang diakibatkan karena terjatuh, terbentur, terhimpit ataupun tertumpuk oleh benda berat di atasnya. Hal tersebut akan mengakibatkan sirkuit dalam baterai menjadi rentan terjadi hubungan arus pendek (korslet) yang kemudian mengakibatkan overheating.
  • Jangan letakkan notebook di tempat yang dapat menjadi sangat panas, semisal di bawah terik matahari ataupun di dalam mobil yang diparkir cukup lama di tempat terbuka saat siang hari.
  • Menjadi basah atau terkena air adalah hal yang harus dihindari dari notebook ataupun baterainya. Meskipun nantinya akan mongering secara perlahan akan berkarat dan membuat rentan keselamatan penggunanya.
  • Pastikan Anda memahami cara menggunakannya, menyimpan, dan men-charge baterai dan notebook yang telah tertulis di dalam buku manual.
  • Disarankan tidak men-charge baterai terus-menerus ketika baterai telah terisi full.

Sumber: Brosur Zyrex

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Coaxial adalah salah satu bentuk kabel yang digunakan sebagai interkoneksi antara peralatan elektronik dan mengirimkan data audio atau video. Kabel jenis ini memiliki karakteristik penggunaan satu buah pin di tengah sebagai pengirim data dan dikelilingi pelindung logam yang berperan sebagai ground. Selain mengirimkan data analog, coaxial juga dapat mengirimkan data digital.
Sumber: PC Media 04/2007

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sony Ericsson G900

Kembali Sony Ericsson meluncurkan telpon seluler canggih dengan seri G, yaitu G900. Telpon seluler ini memiliki fasilitas yang luar biasa dan benar-benar bisa memanjakan pemakainya. Diperlengkapi dengan kamera berkekuatan 5 megapixel, telpon seluler dapat diandalkan untuk mengambil foto-foto di sekitar Anda. Fokus gambar dapat diatur dengan menyentuh layar.

Sony Ericsson G900 dapat dioperasikan dengan menggunakan kontrol tombol standar atau menggunakan stylus. Bahkan Anda juga bisa menggunakan jari Anda dengan menyentuhkannya secara langsung pada layar.

Adapun spesifikasi Sony Ericsson G900 menurut informasi yang saya peroleh dari situs adalah sebagai berikut:


  • 106.0 x 49.0 x 13.0 mm
  • 4.2 x 1.9 x 0.5 inci


  • 99.0 gr
  • 3.5 oz

Warna yang tersedia

  • Dark Red
  • Dark Brown


  • 240x320 pixel
  • 262.144 warna TFT


  • Dukungan Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) (hingga 4 GB)
  • Phone memory 160MB*

Memori bebas yang sesungguhnya bisa beragam, tergantung pra-konfigurasi telepon


  • GSM 900
  • GSM 1800
  • GSM 1900
  • UMTS 2100


Waktu bicara:

Waktu siaga:

Panggilan Video:

  • GSM 900
  • GSM 1800
  • GSM 1900
  • UMTS 2100
  • 12 jam
  • 12 jam
  • 12 jam
  • 4 jam
  • 380 jam
  • 380 jam
  • 380 jam
  • 380 jam
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • 2 jam 30 min

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) atau biasa juga disebut Visual Processing Unit (VPU) adalah chip yang didesain untuk PC atau pun konsol game yang berfungsi khusus sebagai pemroses/rendering data grafis, dimana selain data 2D, bisa juga untuk data yang memiliki transformasi geometri (3D).

Sumber: PC Media 04/2007

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ceiling Fans and Light from Lumens

Many people feel comfortable at home. Moreover if the house is furnished with good furniture and equipped with other appliances, such as a fan, ornamental lighting, or flowers. Talking about fans, especially interior ceiling fans, there are various kinds, styles, and shapes of ceiling fans. Minka Aire has been well-known for its good ceiling fans. All the products offered have high quality and artistic styles. That’s why, many people like the products of this manufacturer. The contemporary ceiling fans provided by this manufacturer is very innovative. It seems that the designers really know what the consumers want. The combination of modern technology and artistic styles can be seen clearly from the products. They can really give satisfaction to the consumers. When we install a ceiling fan on our house, it can make the atmosphere of the room comfortable and also make the room look more beautiful. Not to mention, the people in the room will feel cooler because of the good circulation of the air.

Lighting fixtures also play a very important role in decorating our house. Tech Lighting is one of companies which offers many kinds of good quality lighting fixtures. If you are interested in Tech Lighting products and want to see the pictures of the products, you can visit

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Suatu protokol Local Area Network (LAN) yang dikembangkan oleh Xerox Corporation bersama dengan DEC dan Intel pada sekitar tahun 1976. Protokol ini salah satu standar LAN yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini.

Sumber: PC Media 04/2007

Friday, July 11, 2008

Zenni Optical Website

Are you looking for good and stylish eyeglasses? If you are, I suggest you visit Zenni Optical website. In this website you can see a large number of eyeglasses accompanied with some information on their price, dimension, etc. Incredible stylish new frames from Zenni are also available for you. Zenni Optical is popular. Wanna get the proof? Zenni Optical was on FOX news! Many people like Zenni Optical $8 Rx eyeglasses because of their good style.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Browsing in the internet is very exciting for many people. In the internet we can get much information on various things, such as computer, mobile phone, internet security, health, business, or hobbies. If you are very fond of reading articles on online security, especially the security of credit account, you can visit

Life Lock is an online company which provides services in credit account security. Credit account is such a sensitive information that no one may know it, except the owner. Once someone else knows it, it will be a disaster for you. He/she can access your credit account and do what he/she likes. He/she can ask for credit in your name. Do you want this kind of thing happen to you? I’m sure you don’t. Nobody wants it. That’s why, the existence of online companies which can help customers protect their credit account is very necessary.

A number of customers still don’t have a good awareness on this. They don’t care about the security of their credit account. But… after the bad thing happens to them, they realize and regret it. Unfortunately, regret often comes late. As a matter of fact, they should have a good understanding on this very important thing. Reading LifeLock reviews is one of the ways they can do to know more about identity theft and identity theft prevention program.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Dalam hal suara, surround merupakan sebuah konsep untuk memperluas jangkauan pembentukan audio dari bentuk standar satu dimensi (mono/stereo) menjadi bentuk 2D atau 3D dan akan memberi kesan suara yang mengelilingi para pendengarnya.

Sumber: PC Media 04/07

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

LifeLock Promotion Code

Now there are a number of websites which offer services in identity theft protection. One of the good websites is LifeLock. LifeLock offers LifeLock promotion code which gives a chance for the customers to get the best discount. So, the customers can save their money. The protection for identity theft is very important since it will have a big impact on the security of the customers’s credits. Can you imagine what will happen if you don’t have a protection for your identity? One of the bad things that might happen is that unknown people can access your credit, know much information about you, and can ask for credits in your name. It’s dangerous, isn’t it?

To know more about LifeLock, especially its services, you can read LifeLock review. From this review, there will be many things to learn and to take into considerations. Basically, joining an identity theft prevention program means that you will get fraud alerts when someone wants to open your credit account. You will also get credit reports from which you can check errors or frauds. Of course, you will also get other important services. Many people who have used the services of Lifelock appreciate the value of LifeLock. Through identity theft prevention program, they can get a good security and peace of mind.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dolby Digital

Salah satu teknologi untuk menghasilkan suara surround digital. Biasanya, teknologi ini digunakan dalam pemrosesan dan pembentukan data audio untuk film-film di bioskop atau film-film pada media kepingan seperti DVD. Untuk mengoptimalkan teknologi Dolby Digital yang dikembangkan oleh Dolby Laboratories ini dibutuhkan minimal 5 speaker full range dan 1 speaker low-frequency (subwoofer). Atau juga bisa disebut konfigurasi 6-channel.

Sumber: PC Media 04/2007

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Adding Memory

Your computer has run so slowly lately? And the computer stops responding when you open several application programs? Now it’s time for you to add the memory of your computer. Adding computer RAM (Random Access Memory) needs several considerations, like the size of the RAM, the kind of memory module, and the compatibility with the motherboard. The wrong action of adding RAM sometimes makes a problem. Many people say that adding extra memory is the simplest and most cost-effective way of upgrading our computer. Besides, it is easy to do, too.

If you are an Apple computer freak and want to upgrade your memory, you can add IMAC memory. Memory Deal provides so many kinds of memory module which are specially intended for Apple computer. All the memory modules have a high quality, so you do not worry about it. Just visit the site and you will get several important information on the capacity, spesification, and the price. So, you can choose the best and the most suitable one(s) for you.

Are you in need of DDR PC2700 memory now? Memory Deal is a good and perfect place to look for this kind of memory. Here you can get PC2700 200-pin SODIMM 1GB DDR333. Or, you can also get 2GB 184-pin PC2700 memory.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Gemalto Digital Security

Mobile phone technology is very popular now. People from all ages (children, teenagers, adults, and old people) use mobile phones for their daily communication. A mobile phone can be used not only to call someone or to send SMS, but also to listen to music, to watch video, to take photographs, etc. Nowadays, a mobile phone can also be turned into a web server. Can you believe that? Gemalto has produced SIM cards which are attached 128 MB flash memory. By using these SIM cards, you can also create mobile blogs and transfer multimedia content to your new handsets easily.

As the leader in OTP, Gemalto cares about security so much. The digital revolution requires security. Without security, the digital revolution is useless. To communicate, we need a strong digital security to protect ourselves from unwanted people who intend to commit an identity theft or who intend to do an intrusion to our system. How will you feel when you are communicating with your business partner but then there is someone who is listening to your conversation or who is collecting sensitive information about you? Therefore, security issue needs to get full attention and Gemalto has done its best to give a good security to its customers.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Komputer Masa Depan Bisa Berubah Bentuk dan Bisa Dilipat

Bosan dengan tampilan komputer yang begitu-begitu saja? Tak lama lagi akan hadir komputer dengan tampilan yang bisa berubah bentuk dan dapat dilipat di dalam saku.

Kehadiran komputer revolusioner ini diprediksi oleh para ahli di Kanada. Menurut professor Roel Vertegaal dari Queen University Computing, komputer masa depan nantinya tidak hanya memiliki bentuk yang fleksibel tapi juga dapat merespon sentuhan secara langsung.

Bahkan, seperti dikutip detikINET dari upi, Jumat (5/6/2008), komputer ini dapat mengubah bentuknya menjadi lipatan layaknya kertas, sehingga dapat disimpan di dalam saku.

Pengembangan komputer seperti ini diharapkan dapat menjadikan interaksi antara manusia dengan komputer menjadi lebih natural. "Selama ini belum pernah ada teknologi semacam ini, yang memadukan display resolusi tinggi dengan bentuk yang fleksibel," tandas Vertegaal.

Arah pengembangan komputer masa depan juga tengah dirintis Microsoft Corp. Raksasa software dunia ini telah memamerkan komputer hasil pengembangannya yang berbentuk seperti meja dan dijalankan sepenuhnya dengan sentuhan serta memiliki tampilan gambar tiga dimensi.

Sumber: detikiNet 06/06/2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Unsecured Personal Loan

People sometimes needs personal loans for several purposes, such as for vacation or for wedding. Now, getting personal loans is not as difficult as it used to be. As an online company which provides unsecured personal loan, Accommodative Financial Solutions (AFS) offers good and interesting services. To get the loan, you don’t need to have collateral or home equity and no document is required. Just apply online today and the approval process will take only 24-48 hours. All the processes are safe, secure, and fast. You can get $10,000-$150,000 unsecured personal loans and $10,000-$150,000 unsecured personal lines of credit.

If you are interested and want to get more information, just visit

Monday, June 2, 2008


Touchpad adalah sebuah alat input yang biasanya digunakan pada komputer laptop. Fungsinya sebagai penggerak kursor pada monitor, melalui stimulasi gerakan jari yang menyentuh touchpad tersebut. Dengan fungsi ini pula touchpad ini digunakan sebagai pengganti mouse. Dari ukuran, biasanya memiliki ukuran yang berbeda-beda, tetapi biasanya tidak lebih dari 50 cm2.

Sumber: PC Media 04/2007

Friday, May 23, 2008

Unsecured Loans for Any Small Business

Tom Nelson has run his small business for years. He really wants to make a big step forward but it seems so hard for him. It’s not because of the business is not good or something, but the biggest obstacle is he need additional working capital. He knows he need loans, but since he has experienced a complicated process of starting up loan, he reluctant to try another opportunity.

If only he knew about Unsecured Loans of America One, the obstacle wouldn’t be a big problem anymore. Unsecured Loans offers a big opportunity to small business owner to extend their business. Flexibility is something that makes this program different from the other. Any type of business can be accepted. No collateral or equity required, cash available for any purposes, and no application costs or upfront fee are some of the benefits. The other benefits such as an easy application process, costly mistakes eliminated, confidential expert consulting and available in all 50 states make this program excellent. The most interesting is the loans provided competitive interest rates.

The other service that also a great offering is Unsecured Personal Loans. People that need extra money to do home improvement, car repair, even to start their own business can apply, and get the advantages of this program. Come on, don’t miss it!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Business Loans

Nowadays business world has made a very rapid progress. Millions of dollars are produced from business world every day. But certainly… not all businesses can run well. Sometimes a business still need an injection of funds. One of the ways to obtain funds is by submitting a proposal to get business loans. Many online companies provide services in giving loans. These online companies try to connect customers who need cash and lenders who are willing to lend the money.

As one of the online companies which provides this kind of services, America One Unsecured serves the customers with the best service. The customers’ satisfaction becomes the priority because if the customers are not satisfied, they will leave this company and find another company. Personal loans are also provided to customers who are in need of extra cash. For instance, you are planning to go for a vacation. So, you can submit an application to get this kind of loan. At America One Unsecured, the approval process is fast. You do not need to wait for a long time to get the loan. Do you want to get more information? Just visit the site of America One Unsecured and find the information that you need.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Nowadays, a great number of bloggers make money by writing a review or opinion post about the products or the services of a company. To be able to get a job, a blogger must register his/her blog first to Bloggerwave. Then, the staff will review the blog whether it can be approved or not. If the blog is approved, now it’s time for the blogger to accept jobs and do his/her jobs as well as possible.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Loans Website

My browsing activity today brought me to a loan website. The name of this website is America One Unsecured. The design of this website is simple but interesting. The visitors can find the topics that they need easily. This is a good website for those who are in need of loans. No collateral is required. The interest rates are lower. The application is easy, and the approval process is fast. So, you can rely on this website.

Do you need cash for your business? America One Unsecured also offers a business loan. So, you can use the loan to rebuild or to expand your business. $10,000 to $100,000 of business loan is provided based on your credit history. If your credit history is good, you will obtain more amount than those with bad credit history. This credit history also influences how much interest rate which will be imposed on us.

America One Unsecured also pays attention to those who are in need of extra cash by offering unsecured personal loans. The amount of this loan ranges from $1,500 to $50,000. There are three personal loan options you can choose to get started: up to $1,500, $1,500 to $9,999, and $10,000 to $50,000.


Clock adalah nilai kecepatan kerja sinyal-sinyal listrik di dalam jaringan komponen elektronik atau juga pada sebuah chip dalam waktu tertentu. Nilai-nilai ini biasanya dinyatakan dalam satuan Hertz (Hz), contoh MHz.

Sumber: PC Media 04/2007

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Web Hosting

Internet world keeps on evolving. New websites spring up every day. Building a website is not as difficult as it used to be. Everything is simple. You do not need to design your own templates which will be time-consuming, but you can use various kinds of templates which have been provided freely on the internet. Although they are free, the appearance is very nice and the usability is good. It can attract the visitors of the website. Another important thing for a website is where you will host your website. I am sure you have known Blue Host, Host Monster, HostingPad or Yahoo. Yes, they are well-known web hosting providers. is an interesting and informative site. This site has not only a nice design but also useful contents. If you want to know more about web hosters, I think you should visit this site. There are a large number of web hosting reviews that you can read. All the reviews are unbiased. It means that the reviews are neutral and not the interest of the web hosters. Some reviews mention the benefits of a web hoster, meanwhile some others critisize the web hoster.

Besides reviews, also provides web hosting articles. When I visited this site, I found so many good articles on web hosting. The following are several titles of the articles that might be interesting for you to read: Web Hosting Instructions, Web Hosting Guide, Finding the Best Web Hosting Service, How to Choose the Best Web Hosting Service, and How to Make Money with Web Hosting. Of course there are more other interesting articles. You can learn new things from those useful articles. As a matter of facts, the articles are not only about web hosting, but also about domain names, web design, web development, ecommerce, SEO, site promotion, etc.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Look of the Year Contest through the Internet

There is good news for young beautiful girls and handsome boys. There is a beauty contest which is held through the internet. This is the so-called Look of the Year. The system is very different from other beauty contest because in this contest the participants are only required to send their best photographs. Then, people who are surfing on the internet will be given an opportunity to vote. Interested? You will have a chance to be a model.

Standout Essay

After bloghopping today, I dropped by a site which provides custom writing service. The name of the site is The existence of this site will be helpful for those who do not have a good writing skill or those who do not have enough time to do a writing project. For example, you are required to write research papers or term papers. So, you can order custom research papers or custom term papers.

All the writing projects are written by professional writers who really pay attention to the quality and the authenticity of the writing. All kinds of writing are 100% plagiarism free. You can also control the writing process by having a direct contact with the writers. Do you also need custom term paper? Get further information by visiting the site.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Stylish Web Design Blog

Nowadays there are more and more websites (business and non-business websites) you can find on the internet. Therefore, web programming and web design are very popular now. With these kinds of skill, beautiful and stylish websites can be built. When you are browsing on the net and want to get some information on stylish web design, you can visit a nice web design blog. In this blog there are various articles related to web designs.

Interesting and useful articles on user account control are also available in this blog. From these articles the visitors can get new knowledge. User accounts are only one part of a system, but they have great importance. Ignoring user account control will have a negative impact on the system.

Last but not least…. spyware has become a serious problem for the system. That’s why, we have to be able to cope with it as soon as possible. One of the way to overcome this problem is becoming a member of spyware community. There are two kinds of membership offered by this community, i.e. Basic Membership and Advanced Membership. Which one should be chosen? It depends on your need, but Advanced Membership certainly offers more levels of control.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Standar tampilan display dengan resolusi 1280x768 pixel. Berbeda dengan XGA (Extended Graphics Array) yang memiliki resolusi 1024x768 pixel, atau dengan kata lain memiliki aspek ratio 4:3. Wide XGA akan menampilkan display dengan ratio 16:9 (wide screen). Penggunaannya lebih cocok untuk wide screen presentasi ataupun menonton film format wide screen. Juga berguna saat mengerjakan spreadsheet. Dan lebih nyaman, sesuai dengan sudut pandang mata manusia.

Sumber: PC Media 04/07

Friday, May 2, 2008

Auto Loan

What will you do if someday you want to purchase a car but you do not have enough money? What will you do if someday you need a great amount of money to repair your seriously damaged car? One of the ways to overcome this problem is by taking an auto loan. An auto loan is a type of loan which can be used to finance your car or other kinds of vehicle. This is the way to spread out the cost of your car over a certain amount of years. By doing so, you will not be burdened by very high costs which must be fulfilled at one time.

How to get an auto loan? You can use the services given by (online) companies, like Get The Best Auto Loan. You can visit the site of this auto loan service provider. Submit a proposal and this site will help you by finding a lender who wants to give you an auto loan. If your application is approved, you will get the amount of money that you need. Then, you just need to pay back the lender with monthly payments plus interest. Nowadays, there are a lot of people who use this way. For people categorized as bad credit people, they can also get a bad credit auto loan. So, this way can become a solution to solve problems related to automobiles.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Web Design Solution

Since the rapid progress in internet technology, ecommerce world has gone through a lot of positive changes. Online stores spring up here and there. This situation makes us easier to buy things. The designs of website also change so much. Newer technology is applied in designing websites with better functionality. These ecommerce solutions are very useful and condusive. For the consumers, making online purchases through ecommerce websites are very easy and safe now, while for the online store merchants, they can manage their online businesses more effectively. has much experience and expertise in building good websites, especially for business purposes. By developing a web based CRM software which can be adapted to the needs of the companies, gives a number of benefits to its clients. They are among other: unlimited users, flexibility of the software, data security, and remote access system.

A great number of high quality ecommerce websites have been produced by This site has also used Web 2.0 technology for web design Birmingham. If you are interested in checking or taking a look at the example ecommerce projects, just visit There is an online portfolio available. Here you can also contact the team if you want to get further information.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Advertising Balloons

Advertising is very important in product marketing. By advertising, the selling volume of products can increase. Nowadays a number of companies like using advertising balloons or advertising blimps because they are very attractive and luxurious. The image of a company can rise.

Helium balloons are light weight, but they are durable. So, it is good for advertising. People usually enjoy seeing big balloons floating up in the sky, especially balloons with different colors, styles, shapes, and designs. In short, this kind of advertising is interesting and worth trying.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


DirectX adalah API (Application Programming Interface) yang digunakan oleh Microsoft pada sistem operasi Windows-nya dalam berkomunikasi dengan hardware untuk PC yang dikendalikannya. Untuk hardware-nya sendiri diperlukan software driver yang mendukung DirectX tersebut agar dapat digunakan secara optimal. Pada urusan display dan graphic menggunakan DirectDraw dan Direct3D yang masih termasuk bagian dari DirectX.

Sumber: PC Media 04/2007

Friday, April 25, 2008

Window Blinds

A window blind is used to cover the window of our house or our office from sunlight or from sight. Good quality blinds can add to the flavor of the rooms and they can usually be rolled up or folded up easily. So, it won’t be difficult for us to operate them.

If you visit, you can find various kinds of blinds from many sizes and materials. You can compare those products and get the prices. You can also get hot deals or coupon from this site. To serve the customers, the customer service of will be ready to be contacted by phone or by email. So, if you want to get further information on blinds, feel free to contact the customer service.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Car Insurance Site

More and more people join car insurance program. They want to get full protection for their cars. If they do not join car insurance program, how difficult it will be when they get car accidents or when their cars are stolen. is a site which is dedicated to car insurance. The slogan of this site is Everything Car Insurance. This site provides much information on car insurance. Before joining a car insurance program, you should know some information about it. You should know about the requirements for participation, you should know about the premium, and some other things. Questions and Answers are provided to those who want to get further information on car insurance. These Questions and Answers contains frequently asked questions. So, you can learn much from here. also provides a phone number that you can dial when you want to ask questions. The number is 800-986-1643.

People who want to join car insurance program or want to get auto insurance quotes can use the service of This site can really become a source to start. Protect your cars before the worst things or the unexpected things happen to you. I am sure you do not want to regret in the end, do you?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Nouveau Riche

Everybody wants to have much wealth. Unfortunately, creating wealth is not an easy thing to do. Many people do not know where to start. Yes… beginning something is often a difficult part. Asking other people does not always bear fruit. Some people do not want to reveal their secret of success, meanwhile some other people sometimes try to deceive us or give us misleading clues when we ask them.

So, the main question here is: How can we create wealth? Well, maybe you can begin from Nouveau Riche University. Here you will get educational environment, you will get much knowledge that you have not known before, and above all.. you will be taught how to create wealth. At Nouveau Riche you can choose the best program that you think is suitable for you. This institution applies Instructional System Design which is able to accelerate your learning process and it is proven very effective to reach the goals.

Nouveau Riche Community is a place where all members get together. The active members are allowed to use the services provided by The Investor Concierge web portal. There is so much information that members can get from this web portal. One of them is real estate related services. This web portal is very important and useful for every member.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Computer Memory Prices

Lately there has been a tendency that computer memory prices begin to go down. It is a good climate for those who like gaming or video editing because these activities need high performance memory modules. Memory Deal is a useful site to visit when you want to know more about RAM memory prices or when you want to get 2GB memory upgrade. All the memory modules offered by this site have a good quality.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

New Zealand Accommodation Site

New Zealand is a nice country which has lately received a lot of visit from other countries. The best New Zealand accommodation is provided to those visitors to make them enjoy their stay. is a site which gives much information on hotels and accommodation in New Zealand. So, if you plan to visit some large cities in New Zealand, you can search for the information in this site. The searching process is easy because this site has provided the easy-to-use facilities. For instance, you can search for the best Auckland accommodation, Wellington accommodation, or Christchurch accommodation very easily. Just choose your destination and will show you the accommodation that you need.

Dementia Guide

Have you ever heard about dementia? Dementia is a kind of disease in which someone loses his/her intellectual abilities. These abilities include bad memory capacity, inability in social interaction, losing attention and orientation, losing motor and spatial skills, etc. Understanding dementia will have a big impact on dementia treatment. How can we give this treatment if do not understand much about this disease?

Dementia symptoms are usually found in 60-year-old adults. Dementia can be caused by Alzheimer, brain tumors, meningitis, and some other diseases. But, Alzheimer is said to be the most common cause. If one of the members of your family suffers from dementia, consult with the doctors, visit online consultancy websites, and give special attention and care to him/her.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Inflatable Party Rentals

Do you plan to hold a big party with different atmosphere? Well… maybe you should consider using the service given by party rentals. Nowadays there are many rentals specializing in parties. Inflatable party rentals are worth taking into account because of their flawless safety. If you want to make the party more interesting and more challenging, you can order water slide party rentals. I’m sure water slide party will make the people enjoy the party so much.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mac Games

The number of game freaks keeps increasing from year to year. They usually try to hunt new games on the web. If you are one of them, I suggest you visit the site of Mac Games and More. This site provides so many interesting Mac games. For example, if you want to try Chuzzle for Mac, you can get some info from this site. Or, maybe you like Miss Teri tale for Mac. Don't worry! The information on this game is also available. Just browse this site and search for the games you want! A list of games will be displayed on your screen.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ShopWiki and Video Games

The world of games has made a rapid progress. Some people are addicted to playing games. If you are one of them and want to get more information on video games, you can visit ShopWiki. ShopWiki is very popular and you can search for many things sold on the web through ShopWiki.

If you plan to buy video games, you need a video game buying guide so that you really know the suitable games you should buy. In this case, ShopWiki can become a video game resource guide for game lovers and for those who just want to take a look at those games and want to make a comparison.

Auto Insurance

We will never know what will happen in the future. A very rich person can become poor because his company goes bankrupt. A good driver who always drives his car very carefully still can get an accident. And there are many other examples we can meet in our real life.

Talking about cars or vehicle, many people join an auto insurance program to get protection from the bad things that might happen to their cars or vehicle. is a site which provides services in this field and offers best price insurance policies. If you want to join this program, it is better for you to select the most suitable one for you and also select the type of coverage that you really need.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Email Marketing Service

Most of businesses and non-profit organizations have websites. In order to manage all online communications, they need email marketing with autoresponder. Communication with their customers or their members must get special attention from those businesses and non-profit organizations.

iContact is a company which provides good and inexpensive email marketing service. More than 300 professionally-designed email templates are provided to fulfill the needs of businesses and non-profit organizations. The interface is also interesting and easy to use. No wonder that this company now has over 15,000 customers and 100,000 users.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

PC Card

PC card adalah kartu ekspansi yang biasanya digunakan pada notebook sehingga notebook tersebut memiliki fungsi-fungsi baru seperti WLAN, Bluetooth, Sound, dan lain-lain.

PC card terbagi menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu Type I, Type II, dan Type III. Perbedaan bentuk di antara ketiganya hanya berada pada tingkat ketebalan tiap card. Type I yang memiliki ketebalan 3,3 mm biasanya digunakan sebagai kartu memori. Type II dengan ketebalan 5 mm biasanya digunakan untuk alat-alat yang berfungsi sebagai I/O seperti modem, LAN, dan lain-lain. Untuk Type III dengan ketebalan 10,5 mm biasanya digunakan untuk alat seperti micro drive atau komponen lainnya yang memiliki dimensi yang tebal.

Sumber: PC Media 04/2007

Friday, April 11, 2008

Technical School

Information technology is very interesting to learn. Many aspects of our life are related to this field. A number of tech schools have been established to accommodate those who want to take up IT training. If you are looking for a technical school, you can visit From this site you can get much information about careers and programs in information technology.

X-ray Technician

Some diseases can be detected only by X-ray equipment. To operate this kind of equipment, hospitals and medical clinics need an X-ray technician. He/she work in a radiology room where he/she operates and maintain the equipment. The Xray technician plays an important role in diagnosing certain diseases. Do you also want to be an X ray technician? I think this profession will have a bright prospect.

Fashion School Talking about fashion cannot be separated from entertainment industry and fashion designers. Fashion careers seem to be very prestigious. That's why, more people are interested in this profession. Are you also one of them? If you answer 'yes', it means that you must join training in fashion schools and then you can get fashion jobs that you want.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ultrasound Technician

An ultrasound technician is someone who is responsible for sonography equipment. This profession is very important in medical world. Ultrasound schools are now available in several places. It seems that more people will be needed in this field because of the rapid progress in ultrasound tech world and this job also has a very good prospect in the future.

Pharmacy Technician

A pharmacy technician is one of professions in medical field that has recently been increasingly popular. More diseases are found and more kinds of medicine are made to cure the diseases. Because of this, pharmacy tech gets more attention from government and also from people. New personnels are recruited every year. Pharmacy technician salary is satisfactory. That's why more and more people are interested in this career.

Culinary School

When you watch TV, there are several culinary programs that teach viewers delicious recipes. From those programs, you can learn more about cooking. But if you want to know more about how to cook well and professionally, it's better for you to join a special training in culinary schools. A culinary school usually offers some kinds of programs that the participants can choose. Want to be a professional chef? Visit Enroll yourself in a chef school.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sonography Technician

Sonographic technology evolves rapidly. The advancement of sonography tech makes hospitals need people who have skill in this field. A sonography technician has a special job in operating and maintaining sonography equipment. To obtain a special skill in sonography, someone must join education and training programs held by sonography schools. If you need further information on this profession, just visit

Certified Nursing Assistant

There are many careers in medical world. One of them is Certified Nursing Assistant. To be a Certified Nursing Assistant, you need to take CNA training in CNA schools or CNA courses. People with this profession must be willing to work overtime or even to work during weekend and holiday. If you are interested in this profession, you must really dedicate yourself to other people.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Computer Games

Many people like to play games on the computer. It is one of the easy ways to refresh their minds and relieve their stress. Mac games have become more popular. The emergence of Mac games developers is very conducive in the world of games.

There is one good game that I'd like to mention here, i.e. Global Warning. I'm sure you've known about global warming. Maybe the name of this game comes from this environmental issue. You act your role and try to find the solution for environmental problems.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Payday Loans

People work to earn money. The money is used to support their life. There are many daily needs that must be fulfilled. Sometimes the money they get from working is not enough to fulfill their needs, especially when there are some unexpected things happening, for example the car does not work and need to be repaired, the child is sick and need special medical treatment, or past due bills that must be paid right away. In this situation they need money as soon as possible.

One of the ways to overcome the problem is trying to get payday loans. These loans can be obtained more easily and more quickly. So, it is very suitable for those who need quick cash assistance. All you have to do is submit your application and if you meet the requirements to obtain payday loans, you will get the loans deposited directly into your saving or checking accounts. If you still want to get further information about it, just visit site.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Online Degree Programs

Education is very important. It can increase our knowledge and also our social status. A long time ago, to obtain education, someone must physically go to school or college. But now the situation is different. The advancement of internet technology has changed many things. We can get education by using distance learning method. Online degree programs are provided via internet.

How do you obtain online degrees? It is very simple. As long as you have an internet connection, it can be done easily. Just browse an online degree that you like and enroll yourself. Then you can start your distance learning. Enjoy your learning activities from home!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wireless Network

802.11a : Standar wireless network dengan maximum data transfer rate 54 Mbps dan bekerja pada frekuensi 5 GHz.

802.11b : Standar wireless network dengan maximum data transfer rate 11 Mbps dan bekerja pada frekuensi 2,4 GHz.

802.11g : Standar wireless network dengan maximum data transfer rate 54 Mbps dan bekerja pada frekuensi 2,4 GHz, dengan backward compatibility berperangkat 802.11b.

Sumber: PC Media 04/2007

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Web Hosting

Many people, organizations and companies have their own websites. Through websites they can introduce products, services, etc. The existence of the websites can also make the owners more popular. To build your own websites you need a web hosting service. Although you do not have much experience in building a website, it seems that it is easier to do it now. The appearance of your website will also be interesting and eye-catching because there are a lot of templates you can choose and use.

Web hosting companies play a very important role in building a website. Those companies must be able to serve their customers as well as possible. They must be reliable and dedicated to their clients. They must be ready to give assistance when the clients have problems. Web hosting service must be rich in features and fast in operation. Without these two things, the websites will not be interesting.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Heatsink adalah sebuah objek yang ditempelkan pada komponen, dengan tujuan melepaskan panas yang dihasilkan komponen yang bersangkutan. Perpindahan panas dapat melalui proses konduksi, konveksi ataupun radiasi. Pada komponen PC, biasanya bahan yang digunakan menjadi heatsink adalah tembaga atau alumunium. Alumunium lebih ringan dan murah. Sedangkan tembaga memiliki kemampuan melepaskan panas lebih cepat. Untuk mempercepat pendinginan, biasanya heatsink digabungkan dengan fan (HSF).

Sumber: PC Media 04/2007

Snap Bomb

Nowadays blog advertising becomes more popular. It is one of the effective ways to promote the products or the service of a company. In this kind of blog marketing, a company can get their products or websites reviewed by bloggers and the bloggers will get paid for writing those reviews.

As one of well-known brokers in this sort of business, SnapBomb does its job well in connecting advertisers who want to get their products or websites reviewed and bloggers who want to get paid for blogging. So, it is good for both sides. Advertisers build a buzz and bloggers get money. There is a tendency that more advertisers and bloggers will take a part in this business relationship.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bad Credit Offers

Getting credits is very important for many people. Those credits can be used to start a new business, expand their current business, or for other purposes. People with bad credits usually find it very difficult to get credits or to make credit cards. When this kind of people wants to submit an application to obtain loans, for example, their application will usually be rejected. was established to overcome this problem. People categorized as bad credit people still have an opportunity to get credits. So, if you belong to bad credit people, don't worry so much because you still have an alternative and this site will help you solve your problems. You can get bad credit loans that you need. offers many kinds of loans. You can compare a number of offers and from those bad credit offers, you can choose the best one for you and use it to fulfill your needs wisely.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ecommerce Software

Online transaction spends millions of dollar every day. Many people like doing buying and selling through internet now because it is very efficient. With the advancement of internet technology, online stores can develop rapidly. If we surf the internet, we can find so many online stores offering so many goods and services. To be able to run smoothly, shopping cart software is badly needed. By using this kind of software, the online stores can be managed more easily.

As a leading US provider of ecommerce software, Ashop Commerce plays its role in helping the clients reach their goals as efficiently as possible. Supported by experienced technical support team, Ashop Commerce has succeeded in giving assistance to its clients, especially in managing the online stores and making the products of the online stores sit on the top position of search engines. So, what are you waiting for? Get your shopping cart set up with Ashop Commerce!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Shopping Cart Software

E-commerce is very popular now. A long time ago when people wanted to order products from a distant place, they had to write a letters or call by phone, paid by money order or other kinds of payments. Then the products were sent to the customers. This business way took a very long process. With the existence of e-commerce, national and international trades become easier and faster to do. To make this system run well, we need a good e-commerce software.

Ashop Commerce which is based in Australia provides shopping cart software which will make your online stores run more efficiently. The experts of this company are ready to help the clients solve their problems. They use sophisticated search engine updates to respond to the changes happening around the business. With the facilities provided by Ashop Commerce, the clients can develop their online stores as well as possible and make their shopping cart generate money for them.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Domain Registration

In this internet era, websites are needed not only by business organizations to increase their popularity and selling volume, but also by non-profit organizations. Building a website is not as difficult as it used to be. Many service providing companies are ready to help us. Pay Less Domains is one of those companies which gives good service in domain registration. The approval process is fast, so you do not need to wait so long. This site also offers service with competitive prices. With this interesting offer, you can save an amount of money.

Pay Less Domains also offers solutions to the web hosting problem. You can get network infrastructure and the best technical support which will help you solve your problems. This site consists of experienced and skilled staff who are really professional and ready to do their job effectively. The admin tools are also provided by Pay Less Domains to manage the websites as well as possible.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Earn Money with Smorty

Business world has now been more competitive. Effective and efficient marketing strategies are needed to keep the survival of the business. Each company has its own strategy in introducing and promoting its goods and services. One of the strategies which many companies apply now is blog advertising. Advertisers need bloggers to review their products or their websites. In this way the advertisers will get more traffic for their websites while the bloggers will get paid for the posts they have written. Or in other words, they will get paid for blogging.

As a well-known broker in paid review program, Smorty really understands what the advertisers and the bloggers need. So, Smorty tries to connect both sides (advertisers who want to advertise on blogs and bloggers who want to blog for money). For bloggers who want to get paid to blog, they can become members of Smorty by signing up. Are you interested in earning money by writing articles about advertiser campaigns? You can sign up here.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Blogging world has become more and more popular. Blog is used not only as a daily journal but also as a medium to make money. Some people blog for money. It is usually called paid blogging. In this case they can join a broker, for example BuyBlogReviews.

To join BuyBlogReviews, you just need a good blog and then sign up. If your blog is accepted, the advertisers will buy reviews and you will get opportunities to earn money by writing posts in your blog.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Bahaya Kanker dari Printer

Printer, terutama printer laser, memiliki dampak yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Printer memancarkan partikel berbahaya dalam jumlah yang tidak sedikit. Bahaya kesehatan yang dapat ditimbulkannya mulai dari iritasi pada sistem pernapasan hingga masalah kardiovaskular dan kanker.

Ancaman kesehatan ini dipublikasikan oleh Profesor Lidia Morawska (International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health, Queensland University of Technology) dalam hasil studinya baru-baru ini yang melibatkan 62 jenis printer. Menurutnya, emisi partikel kecil yang berasal dari toner printer dapat masuk hingga ke paru-paru. Ini dapat menimbulkan efek negatif yang sama dengan asap rokok. Risiko yang ditimbulkan akan meningkat jika Anda berada dekat dengan printer atau pada ruangan yang sirkulasi udaranya tidak memadai. Faktor lain yang juga ikut andil dalam menentukan besar kecilnya emisi adalah usia toner atau cartridge yang digunakan (semakin baru, semakin tinggi emisinya) dan jenis cetakan (semakin banyak toner yang dibutuhkan, semakin tinggi emisinya).

Dari 62 printer yang telah diuji, 17 printer di antaranya masuk dalam kategori membahayakan kesehatan. Sayangnya, demi alasan tertentu, merek printer yang masuk kategori tersebut tidak disebutkan satu per satu.

Sumber: Majalah CHIP 08/2007

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mortgage Loan Specialists

Mortgage is needed by many people. It can be used as a method of conditional conveyance of property as security for the repayment of a loan. As one of the brokerages providing services on mortgage, Mortgage Loan Specialists (MLS) is dedicated to give the best service to its customers. For customers who are looking for information on San Francisco mortgage or Bay Area mortgage rates, MLS is the best choice.

As a matter of fact, there are three reasons why MLS is said to be a good brokerage: first, it offers lower rates; second, it gives better service; and third, it has high expertise. If you want to get San Francisco home loan, for example, just come to MLS and the experts will help you.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Mengetahui Alamat IP Sendiri

Ketika berselancar di dunia internet, kita diberikan sebuah alamat yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah IP Address. Untuk mengetahui alamat IP yang sedang kita gunakan, lakukanlah langkah-langkah berikut:
  • Masuklah ke Command Prompt melalui All Programs - Accessories atau bisa juga dengan mengetikkan "cmd" pada menu Run.
  • Ketikkan "ipconfig". (Tanda petik tidak diketik!)
  • Tekan Enter.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Addiction Treatment

Addiction to alcohol, drugs, or cocaine is very bad because it can harm our health. The addict usually loses much spirit and his/her body will become weaker and weaker. Therefore, addiction treatment is needed as soon as possible to avoid unexpected results.

Nowadays many young people like to drink hard liquor. The alcohol contained in the drink is very dangerous physically and psychologically. So, alcohol treatment plays an important role in coping with this problem. For the drug addicts, drug rehab programs must also be taken, considering the fact that drug addiction has influenced several aspects of life.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Stainless Steel Store

A great number of products are made from stainless steel. This material can usually make the products look glossy and strong. If you want to know more about various products from stainless steel, you can visit the site of TheStainlessSteelStore. This site offers many interesting and good quality products.

If you are interested in Blomus stainless steel mailboxes for your home, you have come to the right site because you can browse many kinds of stainless steel mailbox that suit your need. And for those who care much about the interior parts of their homes, they can have Blomus stainless steel fireplace accessories. Of course, the accessories are very beautiful and can really make your home look different.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


If we trace back to the history of wine in the past time, wine played an important role in some rituals. Now wine still plays an important role but in different ways. For some groups of people or community, wine is regarded as prestigious drink. They collect many kinds of wine in their house.

Wine is produced by using fermentation of grape juice. The best wine is made from varieties of good grapes. The advancement of technology has a big impact on the production process of wine. Whether you like red wine, white wine, or others, you can visit tastevine site to know more about wine.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Sudah lama tidak berburu software. Kali ini saya menyempatkan diri untuk mencari software menarik di jagat maya. Akhirnya terdampar juga di situsnya Di sini saya menemukan sebuah software yang unik dan menarik, yaitu Cartoonist. Kenapa unik? Karena dengan menggunakan software ini Anda bisa mengubah wajah seseorang menjadi lucu, aneh, bahkan menyeramkan. Saya pernah mencoba software ini untuk mengubah wajah seseorang. Bayangkan saja... Hanya dalam hitungan beberapa detik saja wajah tersebut berubah menjadi seperti monster! Tentu saja saya tidak akan menampilkan gambar tersebut di sini. Sebagai gantinya, saya berikan contoh gambar bebek saja ya. Itu pun cuma sedikit sekali yang saya ubah. Lihat saja bagian kepalanya. Anda bisa berkreasi dengan imajinasi Anda sendiri. Yang jelas, jangan gunakan software ini untuk merusak foto teman-teman Anda, ok?

Cara menggunakan software ini sangat mudah. Anda hanya perlu meletakkan penunjuk mouse pada bagian gambar yang akan diubah. Lalu lakukan drag mouse ke bagian yang diinginkan. Sangat mudah, bukan? Jika Anda ingin mencoba, silahkan download di sini.